
Carbon fiber roof wrap
Carbon fiber roof wrap

carbon fiber roof wrap

Wrapping the roof of your vehicle has very few downsides, especially when compared to painting. If you want to add a contrast without hampering the value of your car you can use this as a simple, effective solution instead. No need to paint different body parts in different colours, reducing the value of the vehicle.Lasts many years when well treated – take good care of your design and it can last for well up to a decade.Remove and repair with ease and simple preparation – should any pianos fall through the top of your car, you’ll be able to get a simply and cheap replacement for the roof at least!.Can be reversed at any time, unlike a traditional paint job which will cost you even more to replace – you can just take the wrap off at any time.

#Carbon fiber roof wrap full#

Only full body wraps can be even comparable in price and even then it’s quite a way off! An affordable alternative to new car paintwork – much easier to do, quicker to apply and cost-effective.Complement the style of your vehicle whilst adding a unique and interesting style of artwork to the vehicle.With this easy addition, you can people stopping by to see what the top of your car has to say – this can be a solid way to start getting advertisement for your business. Use as advertising space for your business.

carbon fiber roof wrap

  • Be creative with your own personalisation – let your car express who you are as a person, rather than following basic designs that you had to pick from when buying the car originally.
  • Using colour and contrast to alter the visual design of the vehicle, ensuring that it looks very different to many of your contemporaries out there on the road.

  • Carbon fiber roof wrap